School Performance Report

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About Our SchoolCentennial Elementary Entrance

Patrick Murphy, Superintendent

Shannon Ritter, Principal


Centennial Elementary School first opened its doors in 1989. Located in the southeast corner of Olympia, we serve students in grades kindergarten through 5th grade.

In September of 2018, a two-story intermediate building was completed and is home to our 4th and 5th grade students. The main building modernization was completed in January of 2020. The original footprint for the school remains the same with the addition of a second gym, a new entrance to the building, a re-designed drop-off area and parking lot. The three main pod areas were restructured to allow for small group work. The library received updates as well in order to better serve the needs of our students. The changes to the library include an enhanced focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). Additionally, a space dedicated as an Art Studio was added.

Our closely-knit community takes great pride in Centennial Elementary, which is well known for its parent involvement, academic rigor, music, PE, Art and Library programs, high volunteer rates and an experienced, talented and caring staff. The mission statement of Centennial Elementary School is to ensure high levels of learning for all. Our vision is to strive to promote a curiosity for learning. All staff members work collaboratively to provide meaningful learning opportunities for all students, with an emphasis on academic achievement and social/emotional growth.

Community members and parents are encouraged to come in and lend a hand. Parents may become involved with the school through volunteering or by joining the active Booster Club. A strong partnership with the families and community enhances the academic and social opportunities for students at Centennial.



2023-24 School Facts

Based on the October 2023 enrollment report, there were 450 students enrolled at Centennial Elementary.


The OSPI Report Card captures data for all enrolled students as of October 1 of each year. This total number DOES NOT provide a complete count of students Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) which districts receive funding. For additional resources on enrollment reporting and FTE calculations visit Washington OSPI Enrollment ReportingOpening in a new windowOpening in a new window.



Hispanic/Latino of any race(s)   
Two or More Races
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 1.1%
 Black/African American 2.2%


Student Demographics

Male students 53.1%
Female students 46.9%
Gender X 0%
Special Education 21.33%


Teacher Information


  • Number of classroom teachers: TBD
  • Average years of teacher experience: 14.8
  • Teachers with at least a Master's Degree: 70.6%



2023-24 District Operating Budget





Building Administration
$10,093,012 6.10%
Maintenance & Operations   $10,070,814 6.09%
District Support
$4,555,830 2.75%
$4,941,521 2.99%
Technology $2,692,684 1.63%
Utilities & Insurance $5,778,606 3.49%
Food Service
$4,346,598 2.63%
Other $214,669 0.13%
Total Expenditures $165,435,891 100.00%




$122,745,027 73.93%
$31,776,260 19.14%
Federal   $9,618,166 5.79%
Other Revenue $969, 493 0.58%
Other Financing Sources                          
$919,452 0.55%
Total Revenue $166,028,397 99.99%

Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program

Washington students participate in state tests annually to assess their progress as well as the progress of our educational system as a whole.

Our state uses the Smarter Balanced assessment system, aligned to Washington’s K-12 Learning Standards. The scores below represent the percent of students meeting standard in three core subjects, ELA, Math, and for grades 5, 8, and 11, Science (Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science or WCAS).

2021-22 3rd Grade SBA (Not Available)


2022-23 3rd Grade SBA

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
ELA 70.4% 47.2% 47.4%
70.6% 53.3% 47.7%
79.0% 51.3% 491%
72.9% 52.9% 50.3%

 2021-22 4th Grade SBA


2022-23 4th Grade SBA

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
ELA 72.7% 54.4% 48.9%
73.8% 50.5% 49.0%
74.0% 50.1% 45.5%
72.9% 50.7% 48.2%


 2021-22 5th Grade SBA


2022-23 5th Grade SBA

Our School  
Our District 
WA State 
  Our School 
Our District 
WA State 
ELA 62.2% 55.2% 51.6%
64.4% 57.0% 52.5%
54.1% 40.5% 38.0%
50.0% 43.0% 40.9%
Science 66.2% 57.9% 50.0%   68.1% 57.5% 50.9%


Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

MAP is a district assessment that measures a student's developing skills through a series of questions that adapt to the child’s level of learning. Research on MAP indicates the results are highly accurate. The results help teachers measure growth and determine whether a student may need more support or more challenge.


What is the Rasch UnIT (RIT) scale?

When students finish their MAP Growth test, they receive a number called an RIT score for each area they are tested in (reading, language usage, math, or science). This score represents a student’s achievement level at any given moment and helps measure their academic growth over time. The RIT scale is a stable scale, like feet and inches, that accurately measures student performance, regardless of age, grades, or grade level. Like marking height on a growth chart, and being able to see how tall your child is at various points in time, you can also see how much they have grown between tests.

The higher the RIT score, the more achievement the student has in the subject. The student's percentile ranking and conditional growth percentile can show how much the student has achieved in comparison with their peers. You can also refer to the Comparative Data to Inform Instructional Decisions to understand how students are performing relative to other students in the same grade level according to our national norms.


2021-22 Reading


2022-23 Reading 

Our School  
Our District 
National Norm 
  Our School 
Our District 
National Norm 
Kinder 156 155 152   154 156 153
Grade 1 180 172 171   178 173 171
Grade 2
188 186 185   196 190 186
Grade 3
204 200 197   205 201 197
Grade 4
214 209 205   213 208 205
Grade 5
216 214 218   216 216 211

2021-22 Math


2022-23 Math 

Our School  
Our District 
National Norm 
  Our School 
Our District 
National Norm 
Kinder 163 161 156   163 162 157
Grade 1 184 178 175   182 180 176
Grade 2 
199 193 189   205 194 190
Grade 3
209 202 200   203 201 201
Grade 4
217 211 210   212 210 211
Grade 5
222 219 218   219 219 219


Centennial Elementary School Mission Statement

The mission of Centennial Elementary School is to ensure high levels of learning for all.


Olympia School District Vision

We envision a supportive environment that promotes trust, growth, and achievement of the highest standards. We build our capacity for success through leading-edge programs and operations based on continuous improvement. We have a 100 percent commitment to quality and excellence in all things.


National Assessment of Educational Progress

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is a survey of grade student achievement in core subject areas. NAEP measures what students across the country know and can do in 10 subject areas, including mathematics, reading, writing, and science. Current state-level results may be viewed here.

To learn more about NAEP, visit this page.



For More Information

If you would like more details about student achievement and demographics, visit the OSPI website and select reports by district or school.


If you would like other information about Centennial Elementary SchoolOpening in a new window, please call (360) 596-8300.