
Daily Schedule


Morning Bell: 7:50 a.m.
Classes Begin: 8:00 a.m.
Classes Dismiss: 2:15 p.m.
Buses Depart: 2:30 p.m.

Please note:  On Wednesday Early Release, buses depart campus at 1:30 p.m. Classes dismiss at 1:15 p.m.


School Office

School Hours 8:00 a.m.- 2:15 p.m.

Office Hours 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

School Phone 360-596-8300

School Fax 360-596-8301
School Attendance 360-596-8303


Please consider not picking your child up after school as congested parking lots and buses make this very difficult. Students being picked up should wait quietly in front of the school only. No cars are allowed in the bus area by the playshed. Driving and/or parking in the fire lane around the school is not allowed.

School Emergency

The Olympia School District has developed a school-wide emergency plan that is to be followed in the event of an emergency. Families and emergency contacts will be notified via School Messenger automated calls and emails. Both the Centennial and Olympia School District websites will have updated information available. In the event of a whole school evacuation, the following locations will serves as reunification sites unless otherwise directed by law enforcement:

Primary reunification site

Freedom Farmers at Muirhead Farm site, entrance from Yelm Hwy SE at Siskiyou St. SE.

Secondary reunification site

Olympia Christian Reformed Church, 2121 Log Cabin Rd. SE, Olympia


More detailed plans and procedures are available in the office.

Weather Related Emergency

On rare occasions, school may be closed before the regular dismissal time because of power failure, extreme weather conditions or other events that force school closure. Parents should prepare children for this possibility and have procedures worked out with their children in the event that school is closed unexpectedly.

An emergency form should be on file for all families. If you have not filled out an emergency closure form, please contact the school office.

For information or announcements regarding school closures, please listen to one of the following local radio stations: KGY (1240am), KGY FM (96.9), KCPL (920am), KMAS (1300am), KXXO (96.1 FM), and KAOS (89.3 FM).

Telephone Use

Messages for children should be limited to emergencies only. Students are not allowed to use the school telephone except in emergencies. Arrangements for transportation, visits to friends, etc, must be made before school or after arriving home.

Equipment from Home

Students are requested to leave their personal toys and games at home. The school provides sufficient equipment for playtime at school.